


.Chen Lin
.He Ling
.Jing Er




.Shuk Man
.Wei Qin
.Xiao Wei
.Yi Mei
.Zhi Qi


.Angeline Khoo
.Jun Jie
.Szu Xiang


.Batch Blog


.Alecia & .Jade

Band Friends
.Saints Alumni Band
the blog of the Saint Andrew's School Military Band

January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
December 2009
February 2010
April 2010
November 2010



1. For all J2's to have the discipline to manage studies and band!
2. For J1 Band Members to get settled down to JC life and work hard as a new band member
3. For all band members to be blessed with good health as this would be a very hectic year.
4. Every Band Practice will be productive and filled with fun and laughter, peace and joy.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How come like that?

If only we practiced harder
If only we didn’t have that many political problems
If only we put in more effort preparing for our concert
If only we didn’t pitch that wrong note, crash the cymbal too loud, end tuning note longer than everyone else, sleep so late the night before, snore the night before (causing fellow band members to lose sleep), drink so little water after that hyperstickyandsweet mars bar, etc.

Why speculate? I might as well say "If only I bought a bigger cake for my section" :(

My jaw was one of the many that dropped open when the results were announced, and it stayed in that position well after the end of that darned announcement.

And seeing our juniors look so sad, especially those who were with the previous SAS syf batch, I’m sure all of us laoniaos felt pretty bad inside.

If only we came down and helped out more?
If only some members of the alumni had more respect for others?

I can only guess what you alumni guys were thinking, because most of your faces were blank.

One of the members asked, ‘do you think we could have done better?’

Of course you could have. Even if you gave your 101% or 201% on stage, you could still have done better. ‘Perfect’ is relative. That’s why infinity is unquantifiable. That’s why extreme perfectionists commit suicide. That’s why MM is still working. That's why... ok enough.

So whether or not they performed well or didn’t (by the way I personally thought today was cock), what matters is how everyone felt immediately after your performance. That security, seeing no need to compare us with any other band. That sense of pride, knowing how much effort the members put in to achieve this level of music excellence.

When the tuning chord was played, the eyes of people in front behind to the side of me, young and old myopic or perfect, all those eyes went wide I tell you. No other band had that effect on them. So hello, don't doubt yourselves okay?

From that chord alone, there was absolutely no reason to question the band’s quality.

They(you) seemed to have regrets. Seemed to be disappointed about not doing things certain ways to achieve something different. But deep down, I believe they(you?) were more disappointed that what you believed in was not recognized appropriately. Whose loss is that?

I see gain.

I see the new batch taking this disappointment, and transforming it into an unwavering determination, to do everything they can to prove their worth to themselves.

Because nobody has been through the SAJC Band experience, and been under Mr G's direction and guidance, and Ms Ho's and the seniors' mentorship, and not grown into a stronger and more resilient person. At least none I know. If you do know of anyone, you're probably an idiot.

Have faith, stay calm, and let this work for good!
Sajc band, no other band bends it like we do.
So don’t harbour any regrets, but look forward and believe in yourselves.
Because your alumni believes in you. Mrs. Lee stands up for you. Your teachers in charge are the most dedicated ones around. With such awesome support behind you, you have no reason to doubt your potential. So don’t.

Foes aplenty we shall meet
Hearts courageous scorn defeat
So, we press with eager feet
Up and On :)



p.s. what happened to sajcband2004!!

at 5:15 PM